一、不为昨日叹息,不为明日担忧,只为今天更美好。Don't sigh for yesterday, don't worry about tomorrow, just for today better.
二、一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨,早安。A year's plan is in spring, a day's plan is in the morning, good morning.
三、亲爱的,别让人生输给心情,早安。Darling, don't let life lose to mood, good morning.
四、愿你做个坚持自我不后悔的人,早安。May you be a person who insists on not regretting yourself. Good morning.
五、凡事换个角度,世界会更美好,早安。In every way, the world will be better. Good morning.
六、做一个眼里有光,对生命满怀期待的人,早安。Be a man with light in his eyes and full expectation of life. Good morning.
七、挣脱开束缚,春暖花开会奔你而来,早安。Break free, spring flowers will come to you, good morning.
八、世界再复杂也要保持一颗纯净的内心,早安。No matter how complicated the world is, you should keep a pure heart. Good morning.
九、接受不完美,是张力十足的表现。早安。To accept imperfections is a sign of tension. good morning.
十、活在当下,努力生活,不负韶华,早安。To live in the present, to live hard, not to lose time, good morning.